Our support to flood affected Advisers

Over the past few days, we have all witnessed the devastation caused by the flooding. 

We are thankful to all those Emergency services workers and thousands of volunteers that have stepped in to help people in their time of need.

We have seen Insurers, their staff, and Advisers work overtime to help their clients during this natural disaster.

To support Advisers who have flood damaged offices (or home offices) where your ability to service clients has been adversely affected, we would like to support you with one month free.

To take advantage of this offer, the only action you need to take, is just email us a photo or video of the flood damage to your office/workplace to [email protected]. We will also need your bank account details.

Please note you must apply before the 28th of February, refunds will be processed in the first week of March.

Please let us know if you have any questions.

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