Fidelity Life Support NZ Breast Cancer Foundation

Fidelity Life has a history of supporting good causes. I happened to see the bake-off event being laid out as I popped in for a meeting last week:
Fidelity Bakeoff
I asked about the event and here’s the news:
We held the day to support the women and men we all know and love who have been effected by breast cancer. We as a company have raised $1010.
As a company that deals with the realities of variations of cancers every day, we thought it was important to bring awareness into the company – with education and some events to raise a sense of awareness amongst our colleagues.
NZBCF is a non-for-profit company that gets no funding from the New Zealand Government, and with a huge NFP business force of over 97,000 registered NFP organisations, to fight for funding is somewhat a challenge. Breast Cancer will effect 1-9 women in New Zealand, and with that will affect the families of millions, to be able to educate our employees of the benefits of self-awareness we can hopefully save a life of our own, or someone we love.
This cake wasn’t allowed to win because it was well known before-hand that Michaela, the artisan, is not exactly an amateur:
Described as ‘tastefully naughty’ this cake takes hours of planning and about four hours to make.
We are delighted to support and publicise the fundraising efforts you are engaged in at your insurer or advice business. Drop me us an email if you are up to anything interesting.

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