Accuro Overhauls Group Health Insurance

Today Accuro posted this press release about their new group insurance products – StaffStay and StaffAssist.

‘Accuro Health Insurance launches market-leading group insurance products to cater for SMEs.

Accuro GM Sales & Marketing Kelleigh Aston spotted a large gap in the market to help New Zealand’s smaller businesses. “Accuro is a medium-sized not for profit, and there are a lot of other small to medium businesses out there taking care of New Zealanders. Accuro noticed that no one was taking care of these smaller businesses. Our new product StaffAssist was created to specifically cater to their needs.”

Key benefits include specialist appointments, physiotherapy, GP costs, prescriptions and more. Accuro has also announced lower group numbers for their other products.

  • StaffSmart: 5–14 employees (three-year stand-down for pre-existing conditions).

  • StaffCare and StaffCare+: 15+ employees.

This is interesting, however:

Kelleigh also noticed that a lot of these medium-sized companies were bringing in a lot of non-resident employees. “All the non-residents I spoke to were paying large sums for travel insurance, and we knew there had to be a way Accuro could help them.”

Non-residents of New Zealand are generally not covered by the public health system if they get sick. That’s why Accuro has created StaffStay health insurance especially for employers wanting to provide cover for their non-resident employees.

Accuro has defined their target:

Accuro CEO Geoff Annals says that other health insurers tend to focus on the big companies, and Accuro wants to be there for the smaller organisations that make up the bulk of our workforce.’

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