Website upgrades: what you need to know

Our IT Development team have been working hard to improve the services that we offer our advisers as well as improving user experience.

If you’ve noticed we’re running a bit slower than usual, please refresh your page and scroll down to ensure that you’re on our latest version – QUOTE ENGINE V.3.0 B1 | QPR V.15.8 | WEB V.4.6.0

Here are the changes that we’ve made:

General updates:

– All users with an active account, whether on Free, Researchmonster or Advicemonster can access the Policy Archives. Click here to view a short video showcasing this function.

– A few more handy tips and hints in the Personal and Business Product and Provider Settings

Two factor authentication (2FA):

– Users can now submit their six-digit authentication code by hitting ‘Enter’ on their keyboard, previously you could only click ‘NEXT.’

Researchmonster updates:

– The Compare Premium chart now shows the total premium and adjusts when you click the colour key to remove a benefit. If you do decide to remove a benefit entirely, don’t forget to head back to the benefit details, unselect and re-crunch to reflect this in your PDF research report.

– In our Standalone Head to Head, the default benefit period has been updated for Income Protection comparisons, the default is now To Age 65.

Advicemonster updates:

– Advicemonster users have two options to view their Business Product and Provider Settings, access this via the main menu or the tool icon to the left of your account name.  

– The default benefit period for Business Income Protection comparisons has been updated 2 Years. Many insurers offer a limited selection of products in their business insurance suite, our team have created an infographic that highlights the selections you’ll need to make to include certain products in your comparison.

Training sessions:

We are hosting online training sessions on Researchmonster and Advicemonster on a regular basis and invite you and your team to join us if you’re interested in learning more about these new features. Our next sessions will be: 

Quotemonster training – Wednesday, 5 June 2024 10:00 am-11:00 am
In this session, we will demonstrate the basic functions of our website, along with some handy tips and tricks along the way.

Demystifying Advicemonster Thursday, 6 June 2024 10:00 am-11:00 am

In this session Aneel Ravji, our AdviceTech Lead, will demonstrate how to use our needs analysis and statement of advice (SOA) tools.

Business Risk Research and SOAs – Thursday, 6 June 2024 11:30 am-12:30 pm

In this session, Aneel will demonstrate how to use our business risk pricing, research, and SOA functionality.

If you would like to join either of these sessions, please email your request to [email protected]

Happy Crunching!

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