FYI: Southern Cross Plan Comparison

Southern Cross offers a multitude of direct and adviser products. On Quotemonster we currently only offer the following products, however are looking to include more in future:

  • Wellbeing 1 (WB1)
  • Wellbeing 2 (by choosing WB1 and selecting Specialists and Tests as included we move to Wellbeing 2)
  • Wellbeing (either 1 or 2) + Chemotherapy 100
  • Wellbeing (either 1 or 2) + Chemotherapy 300

In order to include the Cancer Cover Plus upgrades – Chemo 100 and Chemo 300, you can do so by selecting the product in your “Settings” screen (as per our screenshot below)

If you wish to compare some of the benefits within a Southern Cross product, here is a Plan Comparison Chart that provides a general idea.

Happy Crunching!

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